Wednesday, May 21, 2008

JRuby Pre-RailsConf Hackfest on Thursday

Hey there JRubyists and JRubyists-to-be...if you're planning to be in Portland the evening of Thursday, May 29, there's going to be a sponsored JRuby hackfest for you!

The event is going to be at the McMenamins Brewpub/Restaurant at the Kennedy School. We'll have a room set aside for around 40ish people, so please RSVP via email or comments. There will be a taco bar and beers/beverages provided!

JRuby Hackfest!
Thursday, May 29, 6:30PM - whenever
McMenamins at the Kennedy School
5736 N.E. 33rd Ave.
Portland, OR 97211

We're pushing this event as a real hackfest, so bring your laptops and apps you are running or want to run on JRuby. At least Tom Enebo, Nick Sieger, Ola Bini and I will be there, so we'll probably be able to get you up and running. Otherwise, if you don't have an app, stop by and we'll give you a walkthrough of JRuby and maybe there will be a bug or piece of code you can help out with.

I want to thank LinkedIn for initiating this event...Tom and I and the other JRubyists are too busy to set these sorts of things up, so it's great to have community members take this initiative. LinkedIn is also sponsoring, along with Joyent and Sun Microsystems.

Remember, please RSVP in comments or by email so we can get an idea of headcount. And if you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see or hear about or work on at the 'fest, let us know!


brian doll said...

Sounds like a great idea. I'll be there ~7:30PM.

Evan Light said...

Count me in

fuzzy said...

2: Ed Copony and I will be there.

Unknown said...

I'll be there.

-Joe O'Brien

Clinton said...

Most definitely there.

dysinger said...

I'll be there. I don't think we'll all fit in the detention room (bar) though. :D -Tim Dysinger.

John said...


Unknown said...

Yaaaa! Just one more thing to help me procrastinate on writing my talk for Sunday. Count me in!

Ola Bini said...

Not sure if I actually need to RSVP since I'm included in the announcement, but just for the sake of it: I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!

Unknown said...

I'll be there.
Tom Healey CVille

Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there, but I don't get in until 11! Hopefully there will be more hacking going on Friday or Saturday night.

Teflon Ted said...

Can you save me half a seat? I'm a definite maybe.

xue.yong.zhi said...

Hi Charles, I will attend RailsConf and will stop by.

Giles Bowkett said...

Scheduling is tight for me but I'll definitely try to stop in - I need some JRuby For Dummies help on gems and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'm planning on attending.

Steve Molitor said...

I hope to be there.

Steve Molitor

Wolf said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there, and may bring more of the Relevance crew.

Anonymous said...

Perfect, we're staying there for RailsConf. :-) I'll certainly be there and I'd like to pick people's brains about deployment to Glassfish.

-- Graeme Mathieson

Unknown said...

i'll be there

Anonymous said...

I'll be there. I also forwarded your announcement to the Portland Ruby Brigade and tech events calendar.

Someone asked if this hackfest is worth going to for folks that know Ruby, but not Java. I said "probably". Can I please get some clarification on that? Thanks!

Unknown said...


gone said...

I'm in. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there.

Rich said...

I'm there.

Unknown said...

I hope this is noob friendly. I'd like to check this out.

Unknown said...

Also new to JRuby, but I'll be there

Unknown said...

I'll be there

covertjava said...

I'll be there!

Unknown said...

I do not have Ruby experience, but would like to see what others are doing. Would this be an appropriate event for me?

covertjava said...

What's the best way to get there from the Conference Center?

Anonymous said...

getting there: take the no 10 bus from the rose wotsit transit centre. It will take you to right outside the Kennedy school. Its just after the wellness center on your right hand side.

Anonymous said...

Saleem Siddiqui:
I'll be there.

Unknown said...

I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

Count in another...

Anonymous said...

I'm planning on being there

- Ken Kolchier

Anonymous said...

An update for getting there:

* The number 10 bus (labelled 33rd & Sunderland) will take you from the Rose Quarter Transit Center to the front door of the Kennedy School. Journey time is about 25 minutes, and it's $1.75 each way. The last bus back to downtown is about 22:00.

* A taxi from the Convention Center to the Kennedy school will cost you about $12. (I just missed the bus last night, so wound up taking a taxi home instead!)

I'm aiming to be on the 17:37 bus from the Rose Quarter Transit Center -- if you see someone hanging around with a ring-tailed lemur called Thievy, come say Hi. :-)

AkitaOnRails said...

I'l try to get there :-) And bring together the other brazilian rubysts.

Neal Ford said...

Neal Ford will be there...with bells on (actually, I'll leave the bells at home)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try to be there.

I'm interested in what it takes to get up and running/ managing a build that supports both jruby and ruby and what to do about gems with native extensions (ie rcov)

Forrest Chang said...

I'll try to be there. My HD crashed so I don't have a JRuby app on my laptop


Anonymous said...

I am planning to come as well

Brian Guthrie said...

Would like to come if it's not already full!

Kurtis Seebaldt said...

michael Schubert and kurtis seebaldt will be there