Thursday, February 21, 2008


It's 5am in Brussels and I'm awake. That can only mean one thing. Time to blog!

This weekend I'm presenting JRuby at FOSDEM, the "Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting." I was invited to talk, and who could pass up an invitation to Belgium?

I've been trying to shake things up with my recent JRuby talks. At Lang.NET, I obviously dug into technical details a lot more because it was a crowd that could stomach such things. At acts_as_conference, I threw out the old JRuby on Rails demo and focused only on things that make JRuby on Rails different (better) than classic Ruby on Rails development, such as improved performance, easier deployment, and access to a world of Java libraries. And FOSDEM will include all new content as well: I'm spending Friday putting together a talk that discusses JRuby capabilities and status while simultaneously illustrating the impact community developers have had on the project. After all, it's an OSS conference, so I'll continue my recent trend and try to present something directly on-topic.

For those of you unable to attend, it turns out there will be a live video stream of some of the talks, including the whole Programming Languages track. I don't think I've ever been livestreamed before.