Friday, April 30, 2010

Building Ruboto: Precompiling Ruby for Android

I originally started to send this to the JRuby dev list and to the Ruboto list, but realized quickly that it might make a good blog post. Since I don't blog enough lately, here it is.

I've been looking into better ways to precompile Ruby code to classes for deploy on Android devices. Normally, JRuby users can just jar up their .rb files and load and require them as though they were on the filesystem; JRuby finds, loads, and runs them just fine. This works well enough on Android, but since there's no way to generate bytecode at runtime, JRuby code that isn't precompiled must run interpreted forever...and run a bit slower than we'd like because of it. In order for Ruby to be a first-class language for Android development, we must make it possible to precompile Ruby code *completely* and bundle it up with the application. So this evening I spent some time making that possible.

I have some good news, some bad news, and some good news. First, a bit of background into JRuby's compiler.

What JRuby's Compiler Produces

JRuby's ahead-of-time compiler produces a single .class file per .rb file, to ease deployment and lookup of those files (and because I think it's ugly to always vomit out an unidentifiable class for every method body). This produces a nice 1:1 mapping between .rb and .class, but it comes at a cost: since those .class files are just "bags of methods" we need to bind those methods somehow. This usually happens at runtime, with JRuby generating a small "handle" class for every method as it is bound. So for a script like this:

# foo.rb
class Foo
def bar; end

def hello; end

You will get one top-level class file when you AOT compile, and then two more class files are generated at runtime for the "handles" for methods "bar" and "hello". This provides the best possible performance for invocation, plus a nice 1:1 on-disk format...but it means we're still generating a lot of code at runtime.

The other complication is that jrubyc normally outputs a .class file of the same name as the .rb file, to ease lookup of that .class file at runtime. So the main .class for the above script would be called "foo.class". The problem with this is that "foo.rb" may not always be loaded as "foo.rb". A user might load '../yum/../foo.rb' or some other peculiar path. As a result, the base name of the file is not enough to determine what class name to load. To solve this, I've introduced an alternate naming scheme that uses the SHA1 hash of the *actual* content of the file as the class name. So, for the above script, the resulting class would be named:


While this isn't a pretty name, it does provide a way to locate the compiled version of a script universally, regardless of what path is used to load it.

The Good News

I've modified jrubyc (on master only...we need to talk about whether this should be a late addition to 1.5) to have a new --sha1 flag. As you might guess, this flag alters the compile process to generate the sha1-named class for each compiled file.

~/projects/jruby ➔ jrubyc foo.rb 
Compiling foo.rb to class foo

~/projects/jruby ➔ jrubyc --sha1 foo.rb
Compiling foo.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_351347C9126659D4479558A2706DBC35E45D16D2

~/projects/jruby ➔ jruby -X+C -J-Djruby.jit.debug=true -e "require 'foo'"
found jitted code for ./foo.rb at class: ruby.jit.FILE_351347C9126659D4479558A2706DBC35E45D16D2

This is actually finding the foo.rb file, calculating its SHA1 hash, and then loading the .class file instead. So if you had a bunch of .rb code for an Android application and wanted to precompile it, you'd run this command to get the sha1 classes, and then include both the .rb file and the .class file in your application (the .rb file must be there guessed it...we need to calculate the sha1 hash from its contents).

To test this out, I actually ran jrubyc against the Ruby stdlib to produce a sha1 class for every .rb file:

~/projects/jruby ➔ jrubyc -t /tmp --sha1 lib/ruby/1.8/
Compiling all in '/Users/headius/projects/jruby/lib/ruby/1.8'...
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//abbrev.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_4F30363F88066CC74555ABA5BE4B73FDE323BE1A
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//base64.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_DD42170B797E34D082C952B92A19474E3FDF3FA2
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//benchmark.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_0C42EBD7F248AF396DE7A70C0FBC31E9E8D233DE
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/rexmlparser.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_8B106B9E9F2F1768470A7A4E6BD1A36FC0859862
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_AF51477EA5467822D8ADED37EEB5AB5D841E07D9
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_3203482AEE794F4B9D5448BF51935879B026092C

This produces 524 class files for 524 .rb files, just as it should, and running with forced compilation (-X+C) and jruby.jit.debug=true shows that it finds each class when loading anything from stdlib. That's a good start!

What About the Handles?

I mentioned above that we also generate, at runtime, a small handle class for every bound method in a given script. And again, since we can't generate bytecode on-device, we need a way to pregenerate all those handles.

An hour's worth of work later, and jrubyc has a --handles flag that will additionally spit out all method handles for each script compiled. Here's our foo script compiled with --sha1 and --handles, along with the resulting .class files:

~/projects/jruby ➔ jrubyc --sha1 --handles foo.rb
Compiling foo.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_351347C9126659D4479558A2706DBC35E45D16D2
Generating direct handles for foo.rb

~/projects/jruby ➔ ls ruby/jit/*351347*

~/projects/jruby ➔ ls *351347*

And sure enough, we can also see that these handles are being loaded instead of generated at runtime. So it's possible with these two options to *completely* precompile JRuby sources into .class files. Hooray!

The Bad News

My next step was obviously to try to precompile and dex the entire Ruby standard library. That's 524 files, but how many method bodies? We'd need to generate a handle for each one of them.

~/projects/jruby ➔ mkdir stdlib-compiled

~/projects/jruby ➔ jrubyc --sha1 --handles -t stdlib-compiled/ lib/ruby/1.8/
Compiling all in '/Users/headius/projects/jruby/lib/ruby/1.8'...
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//abbrev.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_4F30363F88066CC74555ABA5BE4B73FDE323BE1A
Generating direct handles for lib/ruby/1.8//abbrev.rb
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//base64.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_DD42170B797E34D082C952B92A19474E3FDF3FA2
Generating direct handles for lib/ruby/1.8//base64.rb
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_AF51477EA5467822D8ADED37EEB5AB5D841E07D9
Generating direct handles for lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser.rb
Compiling lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner.rb to class ruby.jit.FILE_3203482AEE794F4B9D5448BF51935879B026092C
Generating direct handles for lib/ruby/1.8//xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner.rb

~/projects/jruby ➔ find stdlib-compiled/ -name \*.class | wc -l

Wowsers, that's a lot of method bodies..over 7500 of them. But of course this is the entire Ruby standard library, with code for network protocols, templating, xml parsing, soap, and so on. Now for the more frightening numbers: keeping in mind that .class is a pretty verbose file format, how big are all these class files?

~/projects/jruby ➔ du -ks stdlib-compiled/ruby
14008 stdlib-compiled/ruby

~/projects/jruby ➔ du -ks stdlib-compiled/
44784 stdlib-compiled/

Yeeow! The standard library alone (without handles) produces 14MB of .class files, and with handles it goes up to a whopping 44MB of .class files! That seems a bit high, doesn't it? Especially considering that the .rb files add up to around 4.5MB?

Well there's a few explanations for this. First off, the generated handles are rather small, around 2k each, but they each are probably 50% the exact same code. They're generated as separate handles primarily because the JVM will not inline the same loaded body of code through two different call paths, so we have to duplicate that logic repeatedly. Java 7 fixes some of this, but for now we're stuck. The handle classes also share almost identical constant pools, or in-file tables of strings. Many of the same characteristics apply to the compiled Ruby scripts, so the 44MB number is a bit larger than it needs to be.

We can show a more realistic estimate of on-disk size by compressing the lot, first with normal "jar", and then with the "pack200" utility, which takes greater advantage of the .class format's intra-file redundancy:

~/projects/jruby ➔ cd stdlib-compiled/

~/projects/jruby/stdlib-compiled ➔ jar cf stdlib-compiled.jar .

~/projects/jruby/stdlib-compiled ➔ pack200 stdlib-compiled.pack.gz stdlib-compiled.jar

~/projects/jruby/stdlib-compiled ➔ ls -l stdlib-compiled.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 headius staff 13424221 Apr 30 01:43 stdlib-compiled.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 headius staff 4051355 Apr 30 01:44 stdlib-compiled.pack.gz

Now we're seeing more reasonable numbers. A 13MB jar file is still pretty large, but it's not bad considering we started with 44MB of .class files. The packed size is even better: only 4MB for a completely-compiled Ruby standard library, and ultimately *smaller* than the original sources.

So what's the bad news? It obviously wasn't the size, since I just showed that was a red herring. The bad news is when we try to dex this jar.

The "dx" Tool

The Android SDK ships with a tool called "dx" which gets used at build time to translate Java bytecode (in .class files, .jar files, etc) to Dalvik bytecode (resulting in a .dex file. Along the way it optimizes the code, tidies up redundancies, and basically makes it as clean and compact as possible for distribution to an Android device. Once on the device, the Dalvik bytecode gets immediately compiled into whatever the native processor runs, so the dex data needs to be as clean and optimized as possible.

Every Java application shipped for Android must pass through dx in some way, so my next step was to try to "dex" the compiled standard library:

~/projects/jruby/out ➔ ../../android-sdk-mac_86/platforms/android-7/tools/dx --dex --verbose --positions=none --no-locals --output=stdlib-compiled.dex stdlib-compiled.jar 
processing archive stdlib-compiled.jar...
ignored resource META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
processing ruby/jit/FILE_003796EE1C0C24540DF7239B8197C183BC7017BB.class...
processing ruby/jit/FILE_00499F5FE29ED8EDB63965B0F65B19CFE994D120.class...
processing ruby_jit_FILE_FEF23DE8CDA5B9BD9D880CBC08D3249158379E58Invokermethod__5$RUBY$run_suiteFixed0.class...
processing ruby_jit_FILE_FEF23DE8CDA5B9BD9D880CBC08D3249158379E58Invokermethod__6$RUBY$create_resultFixed0.class...

trouble writing output: format == null

Uh-oh, that doesn't look good. What happened?

Well it turns out that the Ruby standard library *plus* all the handles needed to bind it is too much for the current dex file format It's a known issue that similarly bit Maciek Makowski (reported of the linked bug) when he tried to dex both the Scala compiler and the Scala base set of libraries in one go. And similar to his case, I was able to successfully dex *either* the precompiled stdlib *or* the generated handles...but not both at the same time.

What Can We Do?

It appears that for the moment, it's not going to be possible to completely precompile the entire Ruby standard library. But there's ways around that.

First off, probably no application on the planet needs the entire standard library, so we can easily just include the files needed for a given app. That may be enough to cut the size down tremendously. It's also perfectly possible to build a very complicated Ruby application for Android that will easily fit into the current dex format; I doubt most mobile applications would result in 4.5MB of uncompressed .rb source. So the added --sha1 and --handle features will be immediately useful for Android development.

Secondly, I've been planning on adding a different way to bind methods that doesn't require a class file per method. I would probably generate a large switch for each .rb file and then bind the methods numerically, so only a single additional class (and only a few methods in that class) would be needed to bind an entire compiled .rb script. This issue with dex will force me to finally do that.

And lastly, there's a bit more good news. Remember that the packed size of the entire standard library plus handles was around 4MB? Here's the sizes of the dex'ed standard library and handles:

~/projects/jruby ➔ ls -l *.dex
-rw-r--r-- 1 headius staff 3718340 Apr 30 00:57 stdlib-compiled-solo.dex
-rw-r--r-- 1 headius staff 8656300 Apr 30 00:52 stdlib-compiled-handles.dex

~/projects/jruby ➔ jar cf blah.apk *.dex

~/projects/jruby ➔ ls -l blah.apk
-rw-r--r-- 1 headius staff 3179625 Apr 30 02:01 blah.apk

Once dex has worked its magic against our sources, we're now down to 3.1MB of compressed code...a pretty good size for the entire Ruby standard library plus 7500+ noisy, repetitive handles. We're definitely within reach of making full Ruby development for Android a reality.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nokogiri Java Port: Help Us Finish It!

One of the most commonly used native extensions for Ruby is the Nokogiri XML API. Nokogiri wraps libxml and has a fair amount of C code that links directly against the Ruby C extension API we don't support in JRuby (and won't, without a lot of community help).

A bit over a year ago, the Nokogiri folks did us a big favor by creating an FFI version of Nokogiri that works surprisingly well; it's probably the most widely-used FFI-based Ruby library around. But the endgame for Nokogiri on JRuby has always been to get a pure-Java version. Not everyone is allowed to link native libraries on their Java platform of choice, and those that are often have trouble getting the right libxml versions installed. The Java version needs to happen.

That day is very close.

I spent a bit of time this weekend getting the Nokogiri "java" port running on my system, and the folks working on it have brought it almost to 100% passing. It's time to push it over the edge.

Building and Testing

Here's my process for getting it building. Let me know if this needs to be edited.

Update: Added rake-compiler and hoe to gems you need to install and modified the git command-line for versions that don't automatically create a local tracking branch.

1. Clone the Nokogiri repository and switch to the "java" branch

~/projects ➔ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/headius/projects/nokogiri/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 14767, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3882/3882), done.
remote: Total 14767 (delta 10482), reused 13969 (delta 9945)
Receiving objects: 100% (14767/14767), 3.73 MiB | 742 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10482/10482), done.

~/projects ➔ cd nokogiri/

~/projects/nokogiri ➔ git checkout -b java origin/java
Branch java set up to track remote branch java from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'java'

2. Install racc, rexical, rake-compiler, and hoe into Ruby (C Ruby, that is, since they also have extensions)
~/projects/nokogiri ➔ sudo gem install racc rexical rake-compiler hoe
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed racc-1.4.6
Successfully installed rexical-1.0.4
Successfully installed rake-compiler-0.7.0
Successfully installed hoe-2.6.0
4 gems installed

3. Build the lexer and parser using C Ruby
~/projects/nokogiri ➔ rake gem:dev:spec
(in /Users/headius/projects/nokogiri)
warning: couldn't activate the debugging plugin, skipping
rake-compiler must be configured first to enable cross-compilation
/usr/bin/racc -l -o lib/nokogiri/css/generated_parser.rb lib/nokogiri/css/parser.y
rex --independent -o lib/nokogiri/css/generated_tokenizer.rb lib/nokogiri/css/tokenizer.rex

4. Build the Java bits (using rake in JRuby)
~/projects/nokogiri ➔ jruby -S rake java:build
(in /Users/headius/projects/nokogiri)
warning: couldn't activate the debugging plugin, skipping
javac -g -cp /Users/headius/projects/jruby/lib/jruby.jar:../../lib/nekohtml.jar:../../lib/nekodtd.jar:../../lib/xercesImpl.jar:../../lib/isorelax.jar:../../lib/jing.jar nokogiri/*.java nokogiri/internals/*.java
jar cf ../../lib/nokogiri/nokogiri.jar nokogiri/*.class nokogiri/internals/*.class

5. Run the tests (again with rake on JRuby)
~/projects/nokogiri ➔ jruby -S rake test
(in /Users/headius/projects/nokogiri)
...full output...

On my system, I get about 8 failures and 19 errors, out of 785 tests and 1657 assertions. We're very close!

A few other useful tasks:
  • jruby -S rake java:clean_all wipes out the build Java stuff
  • jruby -S rake java:gem builds the Java gem, if you want to try installing it
Helping Out

If you'd like to help fix these bugs, there's a few ways to approach it.
  • Join the nokogiri-talk Google Group so you can communicate with others working on the port. The key folks right now are Yoko Harada and Sergio Arbeo (who did the original bulk of the work for GSoC 2009). I'm also poking at it a bit in my spare time.
  • Post to the group to let folks know you want to help. This will help avoid duplicated effort.
  • Pick tests that appear to be missing or incorrect Ruby logic, like "not implemented", nil results ("method blah not found for nil") or arity errors ("3 arguments for 2" kinds of things). These are often the simplest ones to fix.
  • Don't give up! We're almost there!
It would be great if we could have a 100% working Nokogiri Java port for JRuby 1.5 final this month. I hope to see you on the nokogiri-talk list! Feel free to comment here if you have questions about getting bootstrapped.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Getting Started with Duby

Hello again!

As you may know, I've been working part-time on a new language called Duby. Duby looks like Ruby, since it co-opts the JRuby parser, and includes some of the features of the Ruby language like optional arguments and closures. But Duby is not Ruby; it's statically typed, compiles to "native" code (JVM bytecode, for example) before running, and does not have any built-in library of its own (preferring to just use what's available on a given runtime). Here's a quick sample of Duby code:

class Foo
def initialize(hello:String)
puts 'constructor'
@hello = hello

def hello(name:String)
puts "#{@hello}, #{name}"

This post is not going to be an overview of the Duby language; I'll get that together soon, once I take stock of where the language stands as far as features go. Instead, this "getting started" post will show how you can grab the Duby repository and start playing with it right now.

First you need to pull down three resources: Duby itself, BiteScript (the Ruby DSL I use to generate JVM bytecode), and a JRuby 1.5 snapshot:
~/projects/tmp ➔ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/headius/projects/tmp/duby/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 2810, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1291/1291), done.
remote: Total 2810 (delta 1690), reused 2509 (delta 1447)
Receiving objects: 100% (2810/2810), 10.64 MiB | 722 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1690/1690), done.

~/projects/tmp ➔ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/headius/projects/tmp/bitescript/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 470, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (404/404), done.
remote: Total 470 (delta 166), reused 313 (delta 57)
Receiving objects: 100% (470/470), 93.56 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (166/166), done.

~/projects/tmp ➔ curl | tar xz
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 11.3M 100 11.3M 0 0 353k 0 0:00:32 0:00:32 --:--:-- 262k

~/projects/tmp ➔ ls
bitescript duby

~/projects/tmp ➔ mv jruby

Once you have these three pieces in place, Duby can now be run. It's easiest to put the JRuby snapshot in PATH, but you can just run it directly too:
~/projects/tmp ➔ cd duby

~/projects/tmp/duby ➔ ../jruby/bin/jruby bin/duby -e "puts 'hello'"

~/projects/tmp/duby ➔ ../jruby/bin/jruby bin/dubyc -e "puts 'hello'"

~/projects/tmp/duby ➔ java DashE

Finally, you may want to create a "complete" Duby jar that includes Duby, BiteScript, JRuby, and Java classes for command-line or Ant task usage. Using JRuby 1.5's Ant integration, the Duby Rakefile can produce that for you:
~/projects/tmp/duby ➔ ../jruby/bin/jruby -S rake jar:complete
(in /Users/headius/projects/tmp/duby)
mkdir -p build
Compiling Ruby sources
Generating Java class DubyCommand to
javac -d build -cp ../jruby/lib/jruby.jar:.
Compiling Duby sources
mkdir -p dist
Building jar: /Users/headius/projects/tmp/duby/dist/duby.jar
mkdir -p dist
Building jar: /Users/headius/projects/tmp/duby/dist/duby-complete.jar

~/projects/tmp/duby ➔ java -jar dist/duby-complete.jar run -e 'puts "Duby is Awesome!"'
Duby is Awesome!

Hopefully we'll soon have duby.jar, duby-complete.jar, and a new Duby gem released, but this is a quick way to get involved.

I'll get back to you with a post on the Duby language itself Real Soon Now!

Update: I have also uploaded a snapshot duby-complete.jar (which includes both the Main-Class for jar execution and the simple Ant task org.jruby.duby.ant.Compiler) on the Duby Github downloads page. Have fun!

Using Ivy with JRuby 1.5's Ant Integration

JRuby 1.5 will be released soon, and one of the coolest new features is the integration of Ant support into Rake, the Ruby build tool. Tom Enebo wrote an article on the Rake/Ant integration for the Engine Yard blog, which has lots of examples of how to start migrating to Rake without leaving Ant behind. I'm not going to cover all that here.

I've been using the Rake/Ant stuff for a few weeks now, first for my "weakling" RubyGem which adds a queue-supporting WeakRef to JRuby, and now for cleaning up Duby's build process. Along the way, I've realized I really never want to write Ant scripts again; they're so much nicer in Rake, and I have all of Ruby and Ant available to me.

One thing Ant still needs help with is dependency resolution. Many people make the leap to Maven, and let it handle all the nuts and bolts. But that only works if you really buy into the Maven way of life...a problem if you're like me and you live in a lot of hybrid worlds where the Maven way doesn't necessarily fit. So many folks are turning to Apache Ivy to get dependency management in their builds without using Maven.

Today I thought I'd translate the simple "no-install" Ivy example build (warning, XML) to Rake, to see how easy it would be. The results are pretty slick.

First we need to construct the equivalent to the "download-ivy" and "install-ivy" ant tasks. I chose to put that in a Rake namespace, like this:

namespace :ivy do
ivy_install_version = '2.0.0-beta1'
ivy_jar_dir = './ivy'
ivy_jar_file = "#{ivy_jar_dir}/ivy.jar"

task :download do
mkdir_p ivy_jar_dir
ant.get :src => "{ivy_install_version}/ivy-#{ivy_install_version}.jar",
:dest => ivy_jar_file,
:usetimestamp => true

task :install => :download do
ant.path :id => 'ivy.lib.path' do
fileset :dir => ivy_jar_dir, :includes => '*.jar'

ant.taskdef :resource => "org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml",
#:uri => "antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant",
:classpathref => "ivy.lib.path"

Notice that instead of using Ant properties, I've just used Ruby variables for the Ivy install version, dir, and file. I've also removed the "uri" element to ant.taskdef because I'm not sure if we have an equivalent for that in Rake yet (note to self: figure out if we have an equivalent for that).

With these two tasks, we can now fetch ivy and install it for the remainder of the build. Here's running the download task from the command line:
~/projects/duby ➔ rake ivy:download
(in /Users/headius/projects/duby)
mkdir -p ./ivy
To: /Users/headius/projects/duby/ivy/ivy.jar

Now we want a simple task that uses ivy:install to fetch resources and make them available for the build. Here's the example from Apache, using the cachepath task, written in Rake:
task :go => "ivy:install" do
ant.cachepath :organisation => "commons-lang",
:module => "commons-lang",
:revision => "2.1",
:pathid => "",
:inline => "true"

Pretty clean and simple, and it fits nicely into the flow of the Rakefile. I can also switch this to using the "retrieve" task, which just pulls the jars down and puts them where I want them:
task :go => "ivy:install" do
ant.retrieve :organisation => 'commons-lang',
:module => 'commons-lang',
:revision => '2.1',
:pattern => 'javalib/[conf]/[artifact].[ext]',
:inline => true

This fetches the Apache Commons Lang package along with all dependencies into javalib, separated by what build configuration they are associated with (runtime, test, etc). Here it is in action:
~/projects/duby ➔ rake go
(in /Users/headius/projects/duby)
mkdir -p ./ivy
To: /Users/headius/projects/duby/ivy/ivy.jar
Not modified - so not downloaded
Trying to override old definition of task buildnumber
:: Ivy 2.1.0 - 20090925235825 :: ::
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/Users/headius/.ant/lib/ivy.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
:: resolving dependencies :: commons-lang#commons-lang-caller;working
confs: [default, master, compile, provided, runtime, system, sources, javadoc, optional]
found commons-lang#commons-lang;2.1 in public
:: resolution report :: resolve 64ms :: artifacts dl 3ms
| | modules || artifacts |
| conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
| default | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 1 | 0 |
| master | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 1 | 0 |
| compile | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 | 0 |
| provided | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 | 0 |
| runtime | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 | 0 |
| system | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 | 0 |
| sources | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 1 | 0 |
| javadoc | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 1 | 0 |
| optional | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 | 0 |
:: retrieving :: commons-lang#commons-lang-caller
confs: [default, master, compile, provided, runtime, system, sources, javadoc, optional]
4 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (1180kB/30ms)

But if I have multiple artifacts, this could be pretty cumbersome. Since this is Ruby, I can just put this in a method and call it repeatedly:
def ivy_retrieve(org, mod, rev)
ant.retrieve :organisation => org,
:module => mod,
:revision => rev,
:pattern => 'javalib/[conf]/[artifact].[ext]',
:inline => true

artifacts = %w[
commons-lang commons-lang 2.1
org.jruby jruby 1.4.0

task :go => "ivy:install" do
artifacts.each_slice(3) do |*artifact|

Look for JRuby 1.5 release candidates soon, and let us know what you think of the new Ant integration!