Saturday, July 01, 2006

Connections Freeze over Linux PPTP Client

Because my last "howto" post about an Eclipse issue ended up helping someone, I'm posting another.

I have PPTP set up on my Linux-based desktop, but I had been having no end of problems with large file transfers or long-running connections over it. They appeared to freeze up or die halfway through.

Unfortunately this was all happening when I was trying to access a remote CVS server. After I spent two hours diagnosing the poor CVS server I determined that there wasn't a bloody thing wrong with it. Turning my attentions locally, I thought I'd see if there were any troubleshooting items related to pptpclient. Turns out there are:

Connections Freeze over Linux PPTP Client

In my case, it was that MTU negotiation was busted. Adding "mtu 1400" to my peer file in /etc/ppp/peers appears to have solved all issues. Huzzah!

Hopefully my adding another descriptive, keyword-laden link to the world will help others find this more quickly.


Stephen said...

Friend, you saved my life! After weeks of totally confusing behaviour and at times excruciatingly slow performance, I added this to the peers file and kapow! Totally fixed. Hurra!

Thank you!

Charles Oliver Nutter said...

Then I guess it was worth posting this after all!